
Strona wizytówka użytkownika "marfie"

Strona wizytówka użytkownika "marfie"

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marfie ZweryfikowanyFavore.pl potwierdza prawdziwość danych kontaktowych tego wykonawcy
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- dane niedostępne -
8 lut 2013, 14:03
24 cze 2015, 14:06
  • Opini pozytywnych 0
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  • Opini negatywnych 0
  • Aktywnych usług 0
  • Aktywnych produktów 3
  • Wpisów na forum 0
  • Wpisów w bazie wiedzy 0

MARFIE 2000 Sp. z o.o. was established in 2001

MARFIE 2000 Sp. z o.o have been producing the candles in Poland for several years.

All our scented and decorative candles are made by hand from high quality raw materials.

Our candles are produced in twelve colors, each individually scented from a carefully selected suite of fragrances. They are clean burning and long lasting. Filling the room with their bouquet, creating a unique atmosphere to suit any mood, style or personality.

We guarantee a unique sensory experience from our range of candles produced by skilled craftspeople.

Our highly skilled artisans make each candle by hand. These are made to the individual requests of our customers. Each candle is formed using traditional methods in small batches. By using manual tools, the wax is kneaded and shaped. Each candle is thus unique and unrepeatable.

We use a mixture of natural wax, palm wax, beeswax, paraffin, high-quality (hydrotreated). We use high-quality, organic cotton wicks, making our candles burn cleanly and provide long-lasting fragrance. We can increase the fragrance pervcentage to 5% upon customer request. This is recommended for larger spaces such as hotel lobbies or restaurants.

The cream of our candle collection are our flowers. They are truly distinctive and extremely popular with our customers. Being supplied in three sizes and a wide variety of colours and scents, there is something to meet everyone’s taste and pocket. They are a little piece of luxury for an affordable price.

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